Earth and Space Science


The K-12 Earth Science content  provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the Earth, its processes, and its dynamic systems. The curriculum typically covers a range of topics related to geology, meteorology, oceanography, astronomy, and environmental science.

Student  Portal

The SCIeLAB Teacher Portal, educators gain access to a robust NGSS-aligned Earth and Space Science curriculum, providing them with a rich array of resources to deliver impactful instruction.SCIeLAB empowers teachers to inspire student curiosity and foster deep understanding of Earth and Space Science concepts.

Curriculum aligned Learning Resources

AI driven Quizzes

Interactive Science Models

Immersive experiences

Student learning guides

Teacher Portal

The SCIeLAB Student Portal serves as a dynamic learning hub, offering students a personalized and engaging educational experiences.AI-driven features generate personalized quizzes, notes, and worksheets, empowering students to actively engage with the material and deepen their

NGSS Alignment

Lesson Plans


AI Powered Quizzes and Worksheets

3D/AR/VR Models