Highly Curated   Curriculum Correlated  Science Resources for Grades K-12

High Quality Real Experiment Videos, Microscopic Images,Quizzes, Animations, 3D,AR,VR,WebXR      

SCIeLAB will help students develop a deep and lasting understanding of science through inquiry-based learning and experiencing the learning environment. Emphasis has been placed on visualization tools like AR/VR and 3D to give the benefit of immersive learning.

Deep Learning

Scielab gives a path to inquiry-based learning that is highly effective in improving retention. and understanding.

Provoke Curiosity

Scielab is compliant with various Academic standards and can bring powerful learning to the classroom and homes

Better Understanding

Scielab real experiments videos, 3d animations used in sequence with instruction, in place of a lab, or post lab reviews.

SCIeLAB content covers Science for Grades K-12 across most academic standards. Teachers and Students can benefit from curated high-quality videos, experiments, images,3d animation, VR and AR enabled content that is correlated to textbooks for easy access and better conceptual understanding.


Scielab gives a path to inquiry-based learning that is highly effective in improving retention. and understanding.

Science based videos,3D models, AR/VR Spaces and Science Stations