It takes a big heart to help shape little minds.

Thank you teachers for all your hard work and dedication.

Empower your teachers with SCIeLAB !  

Give  teachers more time to teach, inspire and catapult the learning outcomes.



  • SCIeLAB is a one stop source for extensive interactive science content, AI powered activities, quizzes for grades K-12. A rich array of 3D, AR, VR content, simulations and assessments have been embedded to create a multi-dimensional experience for  teachers to sequence into instruction. 
  • As a school district leaders , you know that every hour your teachers spend on instructional material tasks could be better utilized for student engagement, feedback, and professional growth. Integrating technology in classrooms can be challenging, but with SCIeLAB, we offer a solution designed to alleviate these burdens.
  • Our platform seamlessly integrates with existing systems, providing user-friendly tools and a meticulously curated K-12 science curriculum. This empowers your teachers to deliver enriching learning experiences for students while minimizing administrative hurdles.
  • Improve Academic Achievement

3D, AR,VR content is a powerful educational tool that can improve students grades by up to 20%

  • Target Learning Loss

The content creates a better understanding of concepts and further provoking curiosity

  • Better understanding

90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual and is the most retainable

  • ESSER Funding 

SCIeLAB content is eligible for ESSER funding