K-PS2-1:  Motion and Stability:Pushes,Pulls and Motion

Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull. (Cause and Effect)


Clarification Statement: Examples of problems requiring a solution could include having a marble or other object move a certain distance, follow a particular path, and knock down other objects. Examples of solutions could include tools such as a ramp to increase the speed of the object and a structure that would cause an object such as a marble or ball to turn.


Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include friction as a mechanism for change in speed.



Evidence Statement

Learning Objectives

1. Define what a design solution is.
2. Analyze data to determine if a design solution effectively changes the speed or direction of an object.
3. Describe cause-and-effect relationships in simple design solutions.


- Toy cars or small objects
- Different design solutions (e.g., ramps, strings, rubber bands)
- Measuring tools (e.g., rulers, timers)
- Vocabulary sheet
- Images and videos of design solutions
- Quiz materials

Pre-Lesson Discussion (15 minutes)

1. Engagement: Begin with a question to engage students, e.g., "Have you ever tried to make a toy car go faster or change its direction?"

2. Introduction to Vocabulary:** Introduce key vocabulary terms (design solution, data analysis, speed, direction) using simple and relatable examples.

3. Discussion: Discuss how design solutions can help change the way objects move, such as using a ramp to make a toy car go faster.


Activities:Analyzing Design Solutions

1. Formation of Groups: Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students.
2. Exploration: Provide each group with a toy car and a different design solution (e.g., ramps, strings, rubber bands).
3. Task: Instruct each group to conduct a simple experiment to determine if their design solution effectively changes the speed or direction of the toy car when pushed or pulled.
4. Guidance: Offer guidance and encourage students to make predictions before starting their experiments.
5. Recording Data: Students should record their observations and measurements using measuring tools like rulers or timers.


Discussion and Analysis (15 minutes)

1. Sharing Findings: Have each group share their findings with the class. Encourage them to explain whether their design solution worked as intended.

2. Patterns and Relationships: Guide a discussion on any patterns or relationships they noticed between the design solutions and changes in speed or direction.

3. Cause and Effect: Emphasize the cause-and-effect relationships in their experiments.


Quiz and Assessment

Ask your students to identify examples of pushing and pulling on a playground or around the school, and ask them to describe the results of these pushes and pulls. Some examples are:

  • Kicking a ball that is laying still. You push the ball away, which makes it move in the direction of the kick. If you kick hard, it will shoot off at high speed. If you kick softly, it will move slowly.
  • Pushing someone on the swing. You push to make the child move or add a push in the direction of the movement to increase the child's speed.
  • You can pull or push the classroom door to initiate movement.
  • You can pull a book or backpack from the shelf.

Ask students to predict what will happen if you push an object like a book hard away from you, or soft to the left, etc.

Ask your students to demonstrate a push or pull and explain his or her action and the results of that action.

Ask your students examples of things they do at home that make things move, speed up, or change direction.

Ask students to predict who will win a tug of war game if one students pulls on one side and all other students on the other side. Ask them to explain their prediction.

Teacher Notes

- Encourage students to think critically about the effectiveness of their design solutions.
- Highlight the importance of accurate data collection and observations.
- Relate the lesson to real-life scenarios where design solutions are used to improve the performance of objects.

Images and Videos: Show images and videos of various design solutions in action, such as ramps, strings, rubber bands, and their effects on objects.

This detailed lesson plan provides clear learning objectives, includes pre-lesson discussion points, teacher notes, a quiz, vocabulary sheet, DCI and CCC references, as well as images and videos related to design solutions. You can adapt and expand on this template for the other NGSS standards as needed.


- Design solution
- Data analysis
- Speed
- Direction


Here are some things your students might say they learned. Use demonstrations to prompt students as needed.

  • Hitting, rolling, or grabbing a ball is all a form of pushing or pulling a ball.
  • We can push or pull on a ball to make it move.
  • We can push or pull on a ball to make it stop.
  • We can push or pull on a ball to change its direction, to make it turn.
  • We can push or pull a ball to make it move faster or slower.
  • We can push harder to make things speed up or slow down more quickly.
  • We can push with several people on a ball to make it move faster, or not make it move at all.


  • Top Spinning for Over 50 Minutes
  • The Ollie - Skateboarding Slow Motion
  • A Bed of Nails
  • Amazing Rube Goldberg Machines
  • Slow Motion Golf Ball Collision
  • Amazing Slinky Tricks
  • Giant Newton's Cradle
  • The Walking Table


  • PS2.A: Forces and Motion
  • PS2.B: Types of Interactions
  • PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces

Pushes and pulls can have different strengths and directions. Pushing or pulling on an object can change the speed or direction of its motion and can start or stop it.


Cause and Effect

Simple tests can be designed to gather evidence to discuss student ideas about causes.



Planning and Carrying Out Investigations


Push and Pull and Motion

Push Pull More

Push and Pull  

Push and Pull

Push Pull Poster

Work Sheet

Work Sheet

Push and Pull Images