HS-ESS1-5: Evidence of Plate Tectonics

Evaluate evidence of the past and current movements of continental and oceanic crust and the theory of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks. (Patterns)


Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the ability of plate tectonics to explain the ages of crustal rocks. Examples include evidence of the ages oceanic crust increasing with distance from mid-ocean ridges (a result of plate spreading) and the ages of North American continental crust increasing with distance away from a central ancient core (a result of past plate interactions).


Assessment Boundary: none


Evidence Statement

Lesson Plan

Objective: To understand how evidence from the movement of continental and oceanic crust, as explained by plate tectonics, contributes to explaining the ages of crustal rocks.


  • Maps showing age variations in oceanic crust
  • Diagrams illustrating plate tectonics
  • Images representing continental crust ages
  • Whiteboard or chart paper
  • Notebooks or worksheets for activities

Pre-Lesson Discussion (15 mins):

  • Initiate discussion on Earth’s crust and the theory of plate tectonics.
  • Recap key concepts: continental drift, seafloor spreading, subduction, and plate boundaries.

Explanation of Plate Tectonics (20 mins):

  • Illustrate plate tectonics using diagrams, explaining the movement of plates and their interactions.
  • Emphasize the processes responsible for the formation and movement of oceanic and continental crust.

Evidence of Crustal Movements (15 mins):

  • Show maps depicting the ages of oceanic crust, emphasizing how it increases with distance from mid-ocean ridges due to seafloor spreading.
  • Discuss the ages of North American continental crust, pointing out how they decrease away from a central ancient core due to past plate interactions.

Discussion and Analysis (20 mins):

  • Encourage discussion on the implications of these observations on plate tectonics and crustal ages.
  • Connect the evidence to the theory of plate tectonics and its ability to explain variations in crustal rock ages.

Activities (30 mins):

  • Mapping Activity: Provide maps showing different ages of oceanic crust and ask students to identify patterns and explain them based on plate tectonics.
  • Timeline Construction: Using the ages of continental crust rocks, have students construct a timeline to illustrate the variations in ages relative to a central core.


  • Group Presentations: Have groups present their findings from the mapping activity, explaining how plate tectonics influences crustal rock ages.
  • Written Responses: Assign written responses where students explain how evidence supports the theory of plate tectonics in explaining crustal rock ages.

Conclusion (10 mins):

  • Summarize key points, reinforcing the role of plate tectonics in explaining the ages of crustal rocks.
  • Encourage students to apply this understanding to real-world geological processes.

Teacher Notes:

  • Encourage critical thinking by asking probing questions during discussions.
  • Relate crustal movements to real-life geological events like earthquakes, mountain formation, or volcanic activity.
  • Facilitate activities to ensure active participation and understanding among students.
  • Provide resources or additional readings for further exploration of plate tectonics and crustal rock ages.

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